Extra Virgin Olive Oil and the mediterranean diet, best allies against Covid-19
Extra Virgin Olive Oil, fruits, vegetables, white meat and nuts are the recommended foods for consumption during confinement and convalescence due to COVID-19.
Once again, the Mediterranean diet with the consumption of the food groups that characterize it (Extra Virgin Olive Oil,fruit, vegetables and legumes, less consumption of foods of animal origin, no pre-cooked and fast food) is one of the fundamental pillars to face the confinement due to COVID-19.
The Preventive Medicine Department of the Universitat de València propose a series of recommendations within the PredimedPlus research program.
These recommendations are addressed both to all citizens who remain at home and are forced to lead more sedentary lives, as well as to those who have been affected by the coronavirus.
Among the recommendations to be carried out in our diet to face the inactivity periods due to COVID-19 or the disease itself, it is important to follow a Mediterranean eating pattern (The most common among the Spanish people) which is based on the following guidelines:
- Good hydration. Daily consumption of 3 pieces of fruit together with 2 Drink a lot of water.
- Dairy products must be low fat or semi-cured
- Consumption of white meat before red meat
- Eat fish 2 or 3 times a week and eggs 3 to 4 times
- Restrict the alcohol consumption
- Use Extra Virgin Olive Oil, both for dressing and for cooking.
It should be said that Extra Virgin Olive Oil has been the protagonist of numerous studies in recent years that have revealed the anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory, cardio-protective and bactericidal benefits of its consumption. This way, it is not surprising that Extra Virgin Olive Oil is highly recommended for cooking, dressing, or in any other culinary technique before the pandemic of COVID-19.
Among all types of olive oil that we can find on the market, Bio Premium OCTOBRIS Extra Virgin Olive Oil is a first class oil produced in the interior of Alicante by the Muntanya family. A finest Extra Virgin Olive Oil directly obtained from olives grown in their own olive groves in the traditional or organic way. Small production but with a higher quality achieved by very own oils.
A 100% Mediterranean, 100% natural, 100% organic product that will give our dishes an extra flavor and will allow us to benefit from all its properties and benefits.